Don Hampton

Don Hampton is our Communications Director and Livestream Production Manager. With a career in high-level production, Don now hopes to use his skills to serve the Church.

Naisha Silvey

Naisha is CCC’s very own worship leader. She has a degree in music from Penn State and uses her talents Sunday Mornings to lead worship.

Bindy Walker

Bindy has an impressive resume managing kitchens and lots of experience in catering & hospitality. She is our resident cook & face of hospitality for our many events & clients.

Josh Rios

Josh Rios is our resident Youth Pastor. Josh has been serving in ministry and hopes to use his experience to serve the Youth of CCC.

Lance Kerr

Lance Kerr is the director of C3 SPORTS and facilities manager of C3. Lance has outstanding customer relation, management skills, and a hardworking attitude.

Nathaniel Foor

Nate has been with the church since 2019. He has a background in IT & Web Design, and handles all things technical/IT related at CCC.